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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID Febuary 27 2008
CLID Febuary 27 2008
CLC&CS -- Feb 27, 2008 --

Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes—February 27, 2008

Call to order:  7:09


Board Members:  Mike Bury, Dave Koenig, Mike Gaynor, Tim Donnay, Ron Croteau.

 Committee Members:  Leon Mager

 Guest: Pam McCabe – Asst Anoka County Attorney

 No additional Public attendees

 1) Approval of Agenda:

 Approved – Dave Koenig indicated agenda was long - suggested we try and get through point 9 at least

 2) Open Forum for Public Comments: None

 3) Attendees were introduced

 4) Selection of District Officers.

 Dave Koenig made a motion that the following board members be approved to the following positions

 ·         Chairman - Mike Bury

 ·         1st Vice Chair - Mike Gaynor

 ·         2nd Vice Chair - Dave Koenig

 ·         Treasurer – Tim Donnay

 ·         Secretary – Ron Croteau

 No nominees had any objections

 Board approved officers as recommended

 5) Question / Answer session with County

  Pam McCabe gave us information re responsibilities of a government entity. Handouts included:

Copy of Anoka County Order of establishment for the CLID

Minnesota Open Meeting Law

LID Information Sheet

·         2007 Minnesota Statutes


Minnesota Rules

13B Water Planning and Project Implementation Sections

 Several points of information were raised and questions answered

 a)      Pam McCabe cannot be the attorney for the LID – she represents County

 b)      We can’t have more than two board members at a meeting without calling for a special meeting

 c)      Informal gatherings don’t count, but the intent of the meeting cannot be to discuss LID business

 d)     We need to have an extra copy of all handouts and documents discussed at a meeting to be available to the public to view, and to be marked “Inspection Copy”

 e)      Record storage: It was indicated that we could not keep records at the CLSC behind a locked door. It was indicated that it could be at a private residence. It was determined to keep them at the Secretary’s office until such time it would be better to be kept elsewhere

 f)       Records cannot be destroyed without approval – misdemeanor per MN 138.17

 g)      It was recommended we draft up a record retention schedule. The county could assist with that

 h)      Any record resulting from a Board Meeting, or any correspondence in the capacity of a Board Member must be retained

 i)        It was suggested that we develop a form for “request for record” and keep on our website (when developed)

 j)        None of our records are private – all are open to public inspection

 Other points per the agenda were addressed

 a)      Confirmation of boundaries – this is the responsibility of Larry Dalien – Land Commissioner

 b)      MN Meeting Law requirements; We discussed the notification process – format & timing, in addition to the points above

 c)      Interim Funding – there is no known restrictions on CLIA to donate money, nor our ability to accept. The CLID can borrow money as well

 d)     ** Note – it was suggested that CLIA look at their charter to determine if they can donate to a government authority. Regarding a reserve by the county – Pam suggested we talk to Cevin Petersen at County Financial office

 e)      County participation future meetings. There is no intent to attend most meetings, but the county could do so on occasion or if invited for specific purpose

 f)       Role of County n annual Meetings / ballots / voting.  Pam indicated we should contact the county regarding this. She suggested we talk to the election people (Rachel ???).

 g)      Tax assessment / exemption. County prefers ad valorum. Negotiable.  Suggest we talk to L Dalien & tax office. Note by law we need approval for each expense over 5K. Other financial – can have a special project fund for amounts over 5k but must have some identification of purpose.

 h)      Record Information /Storage / Retention.

 1)      It was indicated that we could not keep records at the CLSC behind a locked door. It was indicated that it could be at a private residence. It was determined to keep them at the Secretary’s office until such time it would be better to be kept elsewhere

 2)      Records cannot be destroyed without approval – misdemeanor 138.17

 3)      It was recommended we draft up a record retention schedule. The county could assist with that

 4)      Any record resulting from a Board Meeting, or any correspondence in the capacity of a Board Member must be retained

 5)      It was suggested that we develop a form for “request for record” and keep on our website (when developed)

 6)      None of our records are private – all are open to public inspection

 i)        Other items discussed

 1)      Budget – we can get a form from Larry to start budget development.

 2)      Annual report – we must file

 6) By Laws:

 The bylaws were reviewed briefly. It was indicated that the motion to establish is the controlling document. Our by-laws can cover additional points not covered, but cannot disagree with Order to establish. It was recommended we trim down our bylaws to only what is necessary, and attaché the order to establish. Specific points discussed:

 a)      Article 3 – we are a government entity – not a not-for-profit

 b)      Article 5.1 – refer to cities not township

 c)      Address could be listed earlier – perhaps add the meeting location at CLSC as well.

 d)     Remove all conflicting data with order. Pam recommended deletion of:

 1)      Article 6.d Assessments

 2)      Article 7 – Board of Directors

 3)       Article 19 – protocol for doc release

 e)      Other suggestions were made to simplify

 f)       It was recommended we include of the by-laws and the order to establish in our website which we intend to establish.

 g)      It was recommended that a committee be set up to review the by-laws and simplify for submission. Tim Donnay and Ron Croteau agreed to do so.

 7) Insurance:

 a)      It was recommended we talk to John Sullivan at the County to follow-up on insurance – Mike Bury agreed to do so. Mike said he would contact MN Public Waters and see how they are handling

 b)      Ron Agreed to talk to Long Lake ID to determine how they are handling – they are reportedly using

 8) Discussion of Financial Arrangements

 a)      We agreed it made sense to try and utilize County financial services for our accounting, check writing etc services. Tim Donnay, as Treasurer, agreed to talk to the County regarding establishing the set-up contract and discuss fees.

b)      See agenda item 13 for additional financial information

 9) Old Business

 a)PO Box set-up – Mike Gaynor has set up a PO Box for the CLID – Our address is

 Coon Lake Improvement District

 PO Box 26

 East Bethel, MN 55011

 Mike Gaynor needs to be reimbursed for this cost. He will submit an expense statement once the process is determined

 b)      Grant Applications

 Leon Maeger indicated he has applied for grants. Grant applications are in the name of CLIA. There are two grants being sought:

 1)      $7,500 – plant assessment for spring 2008 &  Fall survey

 2)      Funds for treatment – whole lake or Lake-wide – cost to be determined

 It was agreed that it would be beneficial to have the CLID Board submit a letter to the grant reviewers indicating our new status, and expressing our support of the grant initiatives

  10) DNR Weed control discussions

 a)      Leon & Dave have been in contact with Neil Vanderbosch regarding a vegetation plan. We have our application in.

 b)      A plant survey will need to be done before the DNR will formally proceed on development of a Lake Vegetation Plan

 c)      Dave commented we needed to be aggressive in our approach and shoot for maximum treatment potential. He stated he would like to see treatment of weeds this spring

 d)     Leon suggested hesitancy, indicating that it was inconclusive whether a minimal spring treatment would be effective

 e)      We need upfront money to be able to do any type of survey or up-front work to get going

 f)       There are potential problems being accepted into a pilot program for treatments. It was indicated that Wendy of the DNR could make exceptions for Lake Districts

 g)      Leon & Dave continuing to work with Neil & Chip of the DNR

 h)      It was recommended that we set up a Lake Vegetation Action Committee. A motion was made by Mike Bury to establish Dave Koenig & Leon Mager as the initial committee members on that task. The motion was seconded by Dave Koenig, and approved unanimously

 11) Discussion of tentative budget / other expenses

 Dave Koenig submitted a very well written potential expense budget for the treatment of weeds. It included an activity listing, timetable, and responsibility worksheet.  It was a comprehensive plan covering survey costs, & various recommended treatment costs for the period of 2008 to 2011. The plan was based on certain conditions such as whole lake treatment being available, certain costs of doing things, and made assumptions regarding the effectiveness of treatment plans resulting in lower cost in later years to maintain gains achieved.

 A summary showed annual expenses as follows:

 2008   $   37,500

  2009    $100,000

2010    $117,500

2011    $   30,

It was noted as we progressed with more information, that this model would be updated by the Lake Vegetation Action Committee

 12) Interim funding needs / possibilities

 a)      CLID is to ask CLIA for a donation of $2,000 to fund start up expenses. Motion out forth by Ron – seconded by Dave

 b)      Ron agreed to contact CLIA referencing this agenda item

 c)      Types of expenses mentioned were Insurance, County Contract, communication / mailing costs, deposits for Survey’s etc.

 d)     It was recognized that this would not go far, so we needed to pursue additional funds via such means as grant applications, additional CLIA donations, or requesting whether the County would agree to establish a reserve for expenses until tax revenue was available. Tim Donnay agreed to contact the county regarding the possibility of a county reserve, in addition to defining the process of financial transaction processing.

 e)      Other – Mike Bury agreed he would contact Jeff Perry (sp) regarding treatment of the County Beach / property treatment plan in 2008

 13) Confirm meeting frequency

 It was agreed that in the interim until further notice, we would meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month. Mike Bury has informed the City Councils, and put a notice on the CLSC bulletin board notifying this schedule, and inviting the public.

14) Communication with CLID Members

 It was recognized that we need to keep our members informed of our actions. We need to draft a letter soon to be distributed to Members advising them of our status, meeting schedule, and some of our activities and goals, and to solicit volunteers.   Mike Bury agreed to draft up something for review by the Board.

a)      It was agreed that we needed to quickly get up to speed with

b)      Development of a web site

c)      Put together mailing lists / labels

 d)     Put together a listing of e-mail addresses for future communication

 e)      Discuss public notice costs etc with Anoka Union for our Annual meeting Notices, which is the official newspaper of record for public notices by the county

 15) Identify Committee Requirements / recommendations

 a)      It was agreed that the focal points of the upcoming Wed. March 12th meeting would be to identify committee requirements and solicit board / volunteers to address those needs.

 b)      Types of committees and / or activities that were identified as potential targets were:

 1)      Lake Vegetation / Treatment (would likely require subcommittees)

 2)      Financial – set-up, contracts, reserves, budgets

 3)      Publication /Communication

 4)      Administrative (working on taxes, elections,  Insurance, etc)

There would be others needed, and these would be discussed at the next Board meeting

 16) Define responsibility for tasks – set guidelines

 Along with the committee needs identified in point 15 above, we would discuss priorities and timing for activities needed to get done at the 3/12 Board meeting

 Meeting adjourned (time approx 9:45 PM)