2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes >
CLID April 9 2008
CLID April 9 2008
Apr 9, 2008 -- Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes—April 9, 2008
Call to order: 7:05
Board Members Present:
Mike Bury - Chairman,
Mike Gaynor – 1st Vice Chair
Dave Koenig – 2nd Vice Chair,
Tim Donnay - Treasurer,
Ron Croteau - Secretary.
There were 6 committee members and 4 visitors present, in addition to the Board.
1) Approval of Agenda: Agenda approved
2) Introduction of Participants – Board & Visitors
3) Approval of Minutes: Board Meeting minutes of 3/26 approved
4) Open Forum for Public Comments:
a) Steve Olson, President of CLIA, gave a review of the CLIA involvement in the survey and treatment processes underway. He indicated that we did not have an up to date survey, plan, or future plan, and were working on these at this time.
b) Steve talked about the bid process for the survey, and shared what few quotes we were able to obtain, ranging up to $38k for a dual survey with intersect review points 350 ft apart for approx 604 intercept points. Surveys would be good for 3 years.
c) Need survey for both CLPW & Milfoil. We would not need a survey to do what we did last year (15% treatment of littoral area, but would need for any whole lake treatment, and possibly for a lake vegetation plan by the DNR.
d) Volunteers have been offered survey teams to facilitate process. We could not do it on our own – Surveyor must be certified by the DNR & require a degree to do a biological survey. The DNR has provided a list of companies certified to do a survey, and CLIA has contacted them all. Difficult to find someone with availability who is certified - in fact, Lake Restoration is not qualified to do a survey, though they obviously do treatments
e) He stated the DNR does not get excited about the problem unless we have infestation exceeding 15%.
f) A question was asked re what are the criteria for developing a Lake Vegetation Plan? Dave Koenig said he has the rules and will share them with the board.
g) Steve Olson has invited Wendy Crowell of the DNR grant and experimental treatment program to speak at the CLID meeting on April 23rd, and is awaiting her response regarding her availability.
h) Steve wrapped up his informational presentation with a request that the money to be expended by CLIA in 2008 for survey & treatment work be reimbursed by the CLID out of our budget for next year.
i) Discussion was held, regarding the intent of the funds in the CLIA fund and what they were earmarked for, the inability of the CLID to borrow money from other than a government entity, and how the work is being conducted, whether by CLIA, or on behalf of the CLID. The funds expenditure for CLIA will need to be reviewed by its members in their May 15th annual meeting. It was also stated that the CLID at this time has no money, no budget, and cannot commit to funds even if that were desired.
j) A question was raised by Al Beck and Jim Schneider regarding the feasibility of the CLID issuing bonds based on anticipation of tax revenue. This is used by other semi-government groups such school districts for funding. This had been addressed by the Wetlands Review Committee, whom determined that the CLID was not eligible to do this.
k) After additional discussion could draw no conclusions, Dave Koenig made a motion to have the CLID investigate the legality of the CLID reimbursing CLIA, and considering the option of putting that in the CLID’s annual meeting for budget approval on July 23rd. The motion was seconded by Tim Donnay.
l) Mike Bury, as Chairperson, and the head of the fund raising committee, volunteered to review the legality of reimbursement raised in points K & L with the County.
m) Note ( Subsequent to the meeting - The Asst Anoka County Attorney has communicated in writing that the CLID is NOT able to borrow funds and cannot reimburse CLIA for a loan.
5) Treasurer’s report
a) Tim Donnay indicated that the Treasury had $2,000 in it, which was the donation received from CLIA. The funds have not yet been deposited, awaiting completion of the finance services contract with the County.
b) The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented. A request was made by Ron Croteau, Secretary, that for public records purposes, the funds available / used in the Treasury be communicated in writing by the Treasurer for future meetings.
6) Review Old Business
a) County Financial Contract
1) Tim Donnay indicated that the financial services contract was modified by himself and Mike Bury, with input from others, and resubmitted to the County. The county came back with an agreement that addressed almost all the points with a couple of exceptions, but including the ability to defer billing / payment until we get funds from our assessments in June / July 2009, which was a major point. It is being reviewed. A copy was provided to the group.
2) Subsequent developments after the meeting indicate that the County is looking for a fixed fee contract rather than a time & material chargeback. This is a major difference. Ron Croteau has agreed to negotiate this point with Cevin Peterson, Financial Director of the County.
b) Letter to District Members
1) The letter to residents has undergone a number of revisions since it was drafted. The set-up group made a number of modifications to try and include some election information into the letter.
2) The letter would be reviewed by the Board, and was to be set for a target date of Saturday 4/12 for completion, and sending by the Communications committee, headed by Mike Gaynor.
3) Mailing labels were distributed to the Communications committee by the setup committee.
c) Other topics still open from previous meetings – no discussion was held
1) Mike Bury volunteered to make up a contact list of e-mails and phone numbers of public officials for the CLID committees
2) The communication committee should review whether making information available on a website covers any of our need to supply public notice to members – Mike Bury has volunteered to do this
3) Runoff from the Public Access. There should be some sort of salt / oil barrier to prevent running into the lake.
4) Training of district members to assist in survey work
7) Committee Updates:
a) By-Laws - Ron Croteau / Tim Donnay
1) The by-laws that were approved at the last meeting were discussed. It was agreed that the by-laws were not official until they were approved by the District members, so any modification that were necessary before the annual meeting could be approved by the board.
2) Discussion was held that the by-laws may require revision because of unanswered questions regarding the election process. Some of the points that need to be addressed re the by-laws include: they should be dated (as approved at the last meeting), some reference should be made to a $300 limit of fees without member approval at an annual meeting, determine the voting eligibility (properties or unique owners), and other topics regarding the election process. The Setup committee would research the questions, and make recommendation to the by-laws committee on changes to be approved by the board.
b) Set-Up / Admin Committee – Ron Croteau / Muriel Maskalans / Barb Bouljon / Penny Balfany / Greg Bushman
1) Mailing labels- Penny Balfany completed a review of the existing property members, and completed 2 mailing label lists of both properties that are estimated to be assessed fees, and those whom may be eligible for an exemption. These lists, as well as completed mailing labels were turned over to the Communications committee at the meeting.
2) Properties within the district: Ron Croteau is following up with Larry Dalien of the county re the 17 properties that were in question re their abutting the lake. The county has indicated 15 of the properties do not, while 2 are still under review. We are awaiting the listing. Next step: find out of any of the total number of properties have had ownership records changed at the county, and then update member lists and mailing label lists accordingly.
3) Insurance: Muriel Maskalans has completed the application for insurance with the Minnesota County Insurance Trust, and has sent it out to get a quote on insurance. As a local unit of government, we were not eligible for private insurance we requested quotes on. Muriel will get the information, as well as review how to spread out the costs due to our limited budget at this time.
4) Elections: Barb Bouljon has agreed to volunteer on election process. She will be working on the County election people with Muriel, and will be responsible to handle to sending of absentee ballots. Other activities include putting out candidate bio, working to get facility for election, getting a process to tabulate votes etc. Contact made continues with Rachel Smith at Anoka County on election Process. Working to have absentee ballots and not have to send all ballots out by mail. It needs to be detailed in by-laws who gets to vote. Check MN statutes & rules – can we tie voting to property ownership? More work to be done – we want to want to seek one vote per property vs. property owner??
5) Exemption Process: Penny Balfany has volunteered to draft up a definition and a form for the exemption of properties that have multiple pins to not pay multiple fees if they meet certain qualifications
c) Communication – Mike Gaynor / Rick Jestus
1) Website: Rick Jestus has set up a website for the CLID. The address is www.CLIDMN.org. Typing into www.CLIDMN.com will lead to this site as well. Response to the website content and set-up was very favorable. Rick is looking at ideas for improvement and putting official records, e-mil listing, meeting notifications, election information, etc out there. This will be a very valuable tool for the CLID, and all are encouraged to work with Rick and the board on possible best ways to utilize it.
2) A motion was made by Ron Croteau that all new information types that are anticipated to be put on the website should be approved by the board. Seconded by Mike Bury – passed. This does not mean that all documents need to be approved, such as approved board meeting minutes, but all new information, such as surveys, by-laws, etc be approved.
3) Mailing letter to members: Mike Gaynor is awaiting letter to get mailing underway. Mailing labels were provided at the meeting. Mike has negotiated some favorable rates for printing, providing address envelopes, and a reduced rate for mailing at about $.27. Mike has received the final letter for mailing on 4/12, and has already gotten it to the printer, and contemplates a mailing early the week of April 14th.
4) Election location: Mike Gaynor has volunteered to see if the building belonging to ‘Our Saviors Ministry’ (the old Lutheran Church) will be available for the annual meeting on July 23rd.
d) Research committee - Tim Donnay / Greg Bushman
1) New volunteers include Jim Schneider and Rich Kuhlman – Thank you to them for volunteering.
2) Tim has sent a letter out to about 15 LID’s around the state informing them of our formation, and asking them for a contact person for further follow-up on our research questions. Two responses have been received to date.
3) Tim indicates he has been accumulating questions to put together for a survey. Greg Bushman has taken some of these issues and put them out in the informational database he has developed. Anyone who has questions they would like to get answered from other LID’s or other parties, please send them to Greg for inclusion in the database so they can be organized and worked on.
4) A topic from the previous board meeting was to have this group communicate with the DNR to get updated information regarding other LID’s in the state. This has not yet taken place.
5) The research committee has indicated that they will get together with the new volunteers to get organized in gathering the questions and planning the priorities and next steps.
e) Lake Vegetation Committee – Dave Koenig / Leon Magers / Steve Olson / Doug Tierney
1) Many of the activities of the Lake vegetation committee were explained in the new business section of these minutes
2) As referenced above, Steve Olson indicated that Wendy Crowell of the DNR has been invited to our April 23td CLID meeting.
3) Dave Koenig indicated there was a considerable amount of information to be gathered regarding the effectiveness of treatments done elsewhere. There is a lot of knowledge about specific things, but the data isn’t consistent, and doesn’t all include the necessary data needed to make informed future decisions.
4) Steve Olson indicated that Lake Restoration had a considerable amount of information that could be valuable to us. Steve volunteered to contact Lake Restoration to get a written historical summary on what was done, where, when, and how.
f) Funding / Finance Committee – Mike Bury
1) Mike Bury made a request for volunteers and ideas as to groups to contact for fund / grant requests
2) A committee meeting for the funding / finance Committee has not been held as yet. Ron Petricka volunteered for this committee at the first board meeting of the CLID, but hasn’t made the last couple meetings.
8) New Business / Discussion
No New Business was brought up for discussion.
Meeting adjourned (time approx 9:00 PM)
We want to thank all those who attended the meeting, and a give a particular thank you and our appreciation to those who have volunteered to help.
The CLID’s Next Meeting will be Wed. April 23rd at 7:00 PM at the CLCSC as usual