2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes >
CLID May 14 2008
CLID May 14 2008
CLC&SC -- May 14, 2008 --
Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes—May 14, 2008
Call to order: 7:06
Board Members Present:
Mike Bury - Chairman,
Mike Gaynor – 1st Vice Chair
Dave Koenig – 2nd Vice Chair,
Tim Donnay - Treasurer,
Ron Croteau - Secretary.
There were 4 committee members and 3 visitors present, in addition to the Board.
1) Introduction of Participants – Board & Visitors
2) Approval of Minutes: Board Meeting minutes of 4/23 approved were approved as presented, and can be added to the website.
3) Open Forum for Public Comments: There were three new visitors from the Channel Lane area whom wanted to attend to hear the CLID charter, costs, activities, and responsibilities being taken by the board. Todd Strickler, Bob Carlson, and Steve Schoessow participated in an informative discussion of CLID initiatives.
4) Treasurer’s report
Tim Donnay provided a Treasury Report indicating we had a $2,000 balance waiting to be deposited pending direction regarding a financial services contract. The Treasurer’s report was approved as submitted.
5) Review Old Business
a) County Financial Contract
1) Ron Croteau indicated that he had contact with Terry Johnson, Anoka County Administrator and was trying to set up a meeting to discuss the financial services contract, and was optimistic that we could get a better arrangement than had been offered.
2) Mike Bury indicated that he had discussion with the Anoka Conservation District regarding financial services, and preliminary indications were that they could perhaps do this for approximately $500/ year, but needed some training.
3) There was discussion on the contracts, and we indicated we hoped there could be information available with a workable arrangement that could be approved at the next board meeting on 5/28
4) Mike Gaynor again indicated his support of some type of checking account arrangement to speed up reimbursement. Mike Gaynor has approximately $300 in charges for envelopes, printing, postage, and a PO Box to be submitted for payment and/or reimbursement to him.
b) Letter to District Members
1) The letter to residents was received by all attendees, and it looked good. It was discussed that while this saves us money, it probably would not be done on a 3rd class basis again, as it took extra time, and did not generate any returns for undelivered mail.
c) Other topics still open from previous meetings
There was a question open from prior meetings as to whether making information available on the website would suffice for any public meeting notices or postings – the answer is NO.
6) Committee Updates:
a) By-Laws - Ron Croteau / Tim Donnay
1) The by-laws that were discussed. The county wants us to include additional election language in the by-laws, and was looking for other LID by-laws. It was agreed that the by-laws were not official until they were approved by the District members, so any modification that were necessary before the annual meeting could be approved by the board. Ron Croteau has agreed to work on by-law changes , including 1) add the date last approved, 2) add reference to $300 max charge, 3) define fee exemption definition / process, 4) election information. Because not all this information would likely be ready for the May 28th meeting, the goal will be to get this done for approval at the June 11th meeting. The set-up committee will make formal inquiry to the county if by-laws need to be approved by members (still open issue).
b) Set-Up / Admin Committee – Ron Croteau / Muriel Maskalans / Barb Bouljon / Penny Balfany
1) Properties within the district: Ron Croteau is still following up with Larry Dalien, County Land Commissioner, re getting a listing of property changes over the last year. Larry indicated he hoped to have this completed the week of May 19th, but it was not. Next step: find out of any of the total number of properties have had ownership records changed at the county, and then update member lists and mailing label lists accordingly.
2) Insurance: Muriel Maskalans has received a quote from the Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust – the premium would be for approx $1,389 / year. It was hoped this could be approved by the Board, but it did not come up for a vote. Additional information requested is a breakdown of premium for each coverage, and more information on dividends. A vote will be called for at the 5/28 meeting to accept the policy, starting on June 1st, on a pro-rata basis to expire on 12/31/2008.
Elections: Barb Bouljon & Muriel Maskalans are working on the election process. Barb agreed to have a draft ready for the Board to review by the 18th to go out the week of May 19th to the County election group. We are awaiting response.
3) Exemption Process: Penny Balfany is working on drafting up a definition and a form for the exemption of properties that have multiple pins to not pay multiple fees if they meet certain qualifications. She is also working on a sample ballot, and an election register to be used to confirm voting. These were completed after the board meeting, and will be reviewed by the set-up committee for possible board approval.
c) Communication – Mike Gaynor / Rick Jestus
1) Website: Rick Jestus continues to update the website for the CLID. The address is www.CLIDMN.org. Typing into www.CLIDMN.com will lead to this site as well. Rick is looking at ideas for improvement and putting official records, e-mil listing, meeting notifications, election information, etc out there. The website has been very favorably received. This will be a very valuable tool for the CLID, and all are encouraged to work with Rick and the board on possible best ways to utilize it.
2) Mailing letter to members: See point 5) b) above.
3) Future mailings – there will need to be another mailing within the next 30 days approximately to get out information regarding the election and annual meeting. There will also need to be some notification to the newspapers and public notice. The Communication group needs to work with the set-up committee to get these details worked out.
d) Research committee - Greg Buschman / Jim Schneider / Rich Kuhlman
1) Jim Schneider was the rep from this committee available. He is working on weeds and silt research with other LIDS and agencies on that and other issues.
2) Rich Kuhlman has been contacting other LIDS for information that will be provided to the Board in the future.
3) This group is still accumulating questions, and will use the box.net site to do so, and encourage others to use it as well.
4) Doug Tierney submitted a number of items such as historical data on secchi readings, information on treatment options, etc. Rick will try and get this info on the website as well.
5) Tim Donnay had a discussion with Doug re adding him to the research committee based on the quality work he has taken on, mostly at his own initiative.
e) Lake Vegetation Committee – Dave Koenig / Leon Magers / Steve Olson / Doug Tierney
1) Dave Koenig indicated that the point intercept survey is being done by CLIA, and the schedule is being worked out.
2) Leon Mager provided a very informative draft of a water quality report that was submitted to CLIA. This should be added to the CLID website.
3) Some discussion of the budget and treatment were discussed for the benefit of visitors whom had questions. It was indicated that we were looking at possibly 50-75 acres being treated this year, funded by CLIA.
4) A lot of information has been generated by the Lake Vegetation group, and will be available on the box.net site. Ron Croteau will send this site address out to the committee volunteers and to the board again.
5) Some brief discussion was held re some rumors about changes in chemicals being used for treatments moving costs up from the $300-$350 per acre level up to approx $800 per acre. This will need to be explored further by the group.
f) Funding / Finance Committee – Mike Bury
1) Mike Bury has been checking out some possible funding sources at the UM of M that were provided by Greg Buschman of the research committee at a prior meeting.
2) There was some questions re fees by the visitors, and the topic of fees for areas such as the Senior Center and the Campground were discussed. It hasn’t been worked out what would be done with these areas, but activities in this regard would likely come out of this committee.
3) Mike Bury is still in need of volunteers for this committee, as well as ideas regarding groups to contact re funds raising opportunities.
7) New Business / Discussion
a) Meeting Day change. A request was made by the Coon Lake Senior Center to possibly have the CLID move its meeting night from Wednesday to another night – Thursday was recommended. Ron Croteau on the Board indicated that this would not work for him. Other days were discussed, and did not seem feasible for other Board members or the Senior Center availability. Approval of this was tabled for the time being, and Mike Bury volunteered to follow-up and have additional discussion with the Senior Center for options & alternatives.
Meeting adjourned (time approx 9:09PM)
We want to thank all those who attended the meeting, and a give a particular thank you and our appreciation to those who have volunteered to help.
NOTE --- The CLID’s Next Meeting will be Wed. May 28th at 7:00 PM at the CLCSC as usual.