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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID June 11 2008
CLID June 11 2008
Jun 11, 2008 --


Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes—June 11, 2008
Call to order: 7:05
Board Members Present: 
Mike Bury - Chairman,
Mike Gaynor – 1st Vice Chair
Dave Koenig – 2nd Vice Chair,
Tim Donnay - Treasurer,
Ron Croteau - Secretary.
There were 5 committee members present (Barb Bouljon, Leon Mager, Muriel Maskalans, Doug Tierney, and Rick Jestus)
1)      Introduction of Participants – Board & Visitors
First time visitors Nick Mackaman & Frank Haas were introduced to the group
2)      Approval of Minutes: Board Meeting minutes of 5/28 were approved with two minor changes (Jeff Perry name spelling and date of next meeting). Ron Croteau has sent a corrected copy to Rick Jestus to put on website.
3)      Open Forum for Public Comments:   
a)      Frank Haas asked how the CLID started, and D. Koenig gave a brief history of the petition process.
b)     A question was raised re the $300 fee and $5,000 project amounts and how individual treatments effected it, which was explained by the board.
c)      Other questions / discussions covered topics such as fertilizer usage effect, Minnetonka treatment, and other sources of funds (i.e. launch fees).
4)      Treasurer’s report
a)      Tim Donnay provided a Treasury Report indicating we had a $2,000 balance waiting to be deposited pending direction regarding a financial services contract, as well as the $400 donation from Herbert & Ann Lewis. A letter was sent to the Lewis’s by Tim. It was noted that the previous board meeting called for thank you letters to go to the CLIA, and to Rick Jestus for their support, which Tim had forgotten. The Treasurer’s report was approved as submitted.
b)      Mike Gaynor submitted bills to be paid, which were approved by the Board. These included $115.02 letters & postage; $172.00 postage, and $84.14 envelopes.
5) Review Old Business
a)      County Financial Contract
Discussion was held on the Financial Services Contract, and it was advised that we had reached an agreement, and were awaiting a final contract to sign and training on processing.
b)     BOX. Net
A demonstration was conducted by Mike Bury showing how to connect on to Box.net for first time users.
c)      Maps. Ron Croteau has sent  4 map copies supplied by the county in pdf format to all board & committee members
6) Committee Updates:
a)      Set-Up / Admin Committee – Ron Croteau / Muriel Maskalans / Barb Bouljon / Penny Balfany
1)      Properties within the district: Ron Croteau has received the property revision list from the County. The database is being updated for use by the set-up committee and for the election process. When complete, a list will be sent to the Board. Mail labels list will also need to be updated.
2)      Insurance: Insurance will be effective June 13th and has been communicated by Muriel – Thanks to her for her diligence in following up on this.
3)      Elections: Barb Bouljon & Muriel Maskalans are working on the election process. A draft of the election procedures was completed by Barb ( at least twice), and sent to the county with an indication we intended to proceed in that manner. There have been no objections. Work continues to be is still intense in this area until the election is complete.
b)      Communication – Mike Gaynor / Rick Jestus
1)      Website: Rick Jestus continues to update the website for the CLID. The address is www.CLIDMN.org. Typing into www.CLIDMN.com will lead to this site as well.
2)      Mailings – A second mailing ofelection information was made since the last board meeting. Thank you to Mike Bury for drafting it, and to Mike Gaynor for getting it out to district residents.
3)      Public Notice - There will also need to be some notification to the newspapers and public notice regarding the annual meeting. Mike Bury has volunteered to take on this task.
4)      Dave Koenig made a request that the Idaho milfoil report be put on the box.net site.
c)      Research committee -   Tim Donnay / Greg Buschman / Jim Schneider / Rich Kuhlman / Doug Tierney
1)      Doug Tierney was the only committee member (other than Tim) present. Doug shared some information on treatments Minnetonka milfoil, toxicity studies for plants, a video from channel 11 on Minnetonka treatment., and some follow up information on items from last week. Other information was also shared and distributed.
2)      A recommendation was made by the Board that Doug start putting the information he has gathered out on the box.net site, where it could be reviewed in detail by the board and other volunteers.
3)      Tim Donnay indicated that he had not been in contact with Greg Buschman as was requested by the board. Greg is leading the research committee, but has not been at the last three board meetings.
d)     Lake Vegetation Committee – Dave Koenig / Leon Magers / Steve Olson / Doug Tierney
1)      Discussion was held on treatment possibilities for the lake and ranged on the cost of treatment per acre, the number of acres, discussion of littoral areas, and some light was shed on the plan the Lake Plan committee wants to take with a two part treatment plan option with costs identified etc.
2)      Dave indicated that he was expecting to have some data from the research committee on what other LIDS have done, but hadn’t seen anything yet. He was quite clear that this data was vital, and again asked the research committee to provide some information. Tim Donnay was under the impression that this was being worked on, and would attempt to get Greg to supply some information.
3)      Leon Mager indicated that if the CLID was going to work on water quality as it appeared from some of the information being given, then he wanted to make sure that there was work being done on the CLIA side by him, and that we shouldn’t be wasting time duplicating efforts. He indicated that if the CLID wanted to do it, he would be fine with that. Discussion was held on some of the water quality efforts underway by Leon / CLIA. It should be noted for the record that the CLID is not focusing on water quality at this time – our primary and undivided focus should be on weed control.
4)      Dave Koenig indicated he did some aerial photos which could be sent to the web site.
5)      A question was asked about the point intercept survey – it is good for three years. It should be available June 25th to CLIA
f)       Funding / Finance Committee – Mike Bury
Mike Bury is still in need of volunteers for this committee, as well as ideas regarding groups to contact re funds raising opportunities.
7) New Business / Discussion
Meeting adjourned (time approx 9:04PM)
We want to thank all those who attended the meeting, and a give a particular thank you and our appreciation to those who have volunteered to help.
NOTE --- The CLID’s Next Meeting will be Wed. June 25th at 7:00 PM at the Coon Lake Community Senior Center, as usual.