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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID June 25 2008
CLID June 25 2008
Jun 25, 2008 --


Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes—June 25, 2008
Call to order: 7:09
Board Members Present: 
Mike Bury - Chairman,
Mike Gaynor – 1st Vice Chair
Dave Koenig – 2nd Vice Chair,
Tim Donnay - Treasurer,
Ron Croteau - Secretary.
There were 3 committee members present (Barb Bouljon, Muriel Maskalans, and Doug Tierney). Julene Donnay was a visitor to the group.
1)      Introduction of Participants – Board & Visitors
2)      Approval of Minutes: Board Meeting minutes of 6/11 were approved with two minor typo error changes. Ron Croteau has sent a corrected copy to Rick Jestus to put on website.
3)      Open Forum for Public Comments:   
4)      Treasurer’s report
a)      Tim Donnay provided a Treasury Report indicating we had a $2,400 balance waiting to be deposited pending availability of financial services from the County. Tim provided copies of thank you letters to go to CLIA and to Rick Jestus for their support. These efforts were commended by the board.  The Treasurer’s report was approved as submitted.
b)      Mike Bury indicated he had approximately $300 for submittal to the Board for expense reimbursement for our second mailing.
5) Review Old Business
a)      County Financial Contract
Discussion was held on the Financial Services Contract, and it was advised that we had reached an agreement, and were awaiting a final contract to sign and training on processing. A meeting was held between the County and Mike Bury, Tim Donnay & Ron Croteau on process for check reimbursement, deposits, and reporting. It was indicated that a Federal EIN number was required as well as signature cards, by-laws, and agreement on a chart of accounts. The financial service contract had a couple date issues, but was signed by Mike & Tim and will go to the county the week of 6/30 along with the other requirements. The CLID will not be tax-exempt. 
b)     Candidates for Board at annual meeting
June 25th was the last date for submittal of letters of interest for candidacy for the board. With the letters received at the June 25th meeting, there are 5 candidates for election. These were, alphabetically: Al Beck, Mike Bury, Ron Croteau, Tim Donnay, and Dave Koenig. Mike Gaynor, currently on the board, indicated that he was willing to be a committee member, but did not want to submit his name as a candidate.
c)      Official Notification. Mike Bury has indicated he understands the requirements of statute 103B regarding public notice, and will send out the required public notification of annual meeting to the DNR, MPCA, County, Cities, and newspaper as required.
d)     By-Laws. The by-laws revision (version 2008-06-22) was reviewed by the Board. Recommendations were made to change a number of points including Article 10(3), Article 12(1), Article 14, and Article 15 as well as Article 20 regarding amendments. Ron Croteau will make the recommended changes and send it back out to the board.
6) Committee Updates:
a)      Set-Up / Admin Committee – Ron Croteau / Muriel Maskalans / Barb Bouljon / Penny Balfany
1)      Properties within the district: Ron Croteau has received the property revision list from the County. The database is being updated for use by the set-up committee and for the election process. When complete, a list will be sent to the Board. Mail labels list will also need to be updated.
2)      Elections: Barb Bouljon & Muriel Maskalans are working on the election process. A ballot has been drawn up for use for the election. Absentee ballots will be handled by Barb, and she has requested some envelopes for mailing. Copies of the ballot will also need to be made – Ron Croteau has volunteered to provide both. 
3)      Land Commissioner.  Larry Dalien, Land Commissioner for Anoka County, whom is the liaison for the County, has indicated he will be attending the annual meeting.
b)      Communication – Mike Gaynor / Rick Jestus
Nothing new to report
c)      Research committee -   Tim Donnay / Greg Buschman / Jim Schneider / Rich Kuhlman / Doug Tierney
1)      Doug Tierney was the only committee member (other than Tim) present. Doug shared some information on chemical reviews, and handed out an extensive bit of research on various chemicals and treatment information.
2)      Doug is trying to get more detailed information on treatments from Professional Lake Management in Pequot Lakes.
3)      Tim Donnay indicated that Greg Buschman has done extensive research on treatments at other LIDS, and had indicated he would provide a summary, but at the time of the board meeting, this wasn’t complete.
d)     Lake Vegetation Committee – Dave Koenig / Leon Magers / Steve Olson / Doug Tierney
1)      Dave Koenig handed out the latest draft of the costs of various plans for treatment to be a start of the budgetary information needed for the annual meeting. The document was reviewed, and questions were posed and answered by Dave. 
2)       Dave indicated that he was still hoping to have some data from the research committee on what other LIDS have done, As indicated in point C above, this is apparently being worked on. Dave indicated he would revise the plans based on comments, and hopefully some data from the research committee
3)      The results of the Survey done by CLIA were to be available to CLIA on the 25th and would be shared with the CLID to determine any other actions we need to get ready for budgetary purposes for the annual meeting.
4)      The Lake Plan committee was reminded that our budgetary information needed to contain all potential expenditures that would have to be funded through June of 2010, and that would be the next time funds would be available resulting from the 2009 annual meeting.
f)       Funding / Finance Committee – Mike Bury
Mike Bury is still in need of volunteers for this committee, as well as ideas regarding groups to contact re funds raising opportunities.
It has been researched by Mike Bury that there are no dissolution requirements for a 501© 3, meaning the Coon Lake Shoreliners will be able to donate funds when the CLID is able to accept it for deposit. There is approximately $1,100 available for possible donation.
7) New Business / Discussion
Muriel Maskalans indicated that White Bear Lake has a launch fee of $20 for the access that was maintained that she spoke with, but they were not happy with the arrangement. They indicated that the costs to maintain, and keep records wasn’t worth the effort, and if they had to do it over again, they wouldn’t.
NOTE: It was noted at the meeting that the last scheduled board meeting that the next meeting (July 9th) is the last scheduled meeting before the annual meeting on July 23rd. Board members Dave Koenig & Tim Donnay will not be at the July 9th meeting because of schedule conflicts.
Meeting adjourned (time approx 8:35 PM)
We want to thank all those who attended the meeting, and a give a particular thank you and our appreciation to those who have volunteered to help.
NOTE --- The CLID’s Next Meeting will be Wed. July 9thth at 7:00 PM at the Coon Lake Community Senior Center, as usual.