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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID July 23 2008 ANNUAL MEETING
Aug 12, 2008 --



MINUTES -- Coon Lake Improvement District ANNUAL & Board Meeting
July 23, 2008
Call to order: 7:09
Board Members Present:                   
Mike Bury - Chairman,                      
Mike Gaynor – 1st Vice Chair
Dave Koenig – 2nd Vice Chair,
Tim Donnay - Treasurer,
Ron Croteau – Secretary                    
Significant visitors: Larry Dalien – Anoka County Land Commissioner
1)      Call to Order & Discussion of Agenda – Mike Bury
Mike Bury called the meeting, presented an overview of the meeting. 
2)      CLID Background – Ron Croteau
Ron Croteau gave a presentation on the formation of the CLID and how it was formed, discussed the weed infestation, the advisory committee formed by CLIA, and the petition and letter campaign. Discussion was also given on the petition results and the establishment of the CLID by the County. The mission and goals of the CLID were presented.
3)      Lake Treatment Plan – Dave Koenig
Dave Koenig presentedthe Lake Treatment Plan and the two options available to us depending on treatment possibilities. A number of questions were asked regarding treatments and weed infestation, addressed later in these minutes. Dave summarized the budget proposal and discussed the areas on the map with the greatest requirements for treatment, and discussed treatments done in 2007.
4)      Discussion and Public Comments (ALL)
A number of questions were posed by the public, some of which are listed below:
* Question: Where and how much of the lake was treatment done in the past?                      
* If we have whole lake treatment, will individual property owners need to treat their lakeshore?
* Can we control public access to the lake?
* Are we pursuing grants for lake treatment?
* What are the odds of getting a grant for lake treatment? Is the problem of getting whole lake treatment one of approval or cost?
* Funding – Mike Bury answered questions on funding needs and possible options
* Questions were asked regarding timing of treatment and water temperature.
* Steve Olson answered questions regarding CLIA involvement. He discussed the Lake Vegetation survey being conducted, and offered to send results to anyone whom desired it. Steve also discussed the permit received to treat approx 6 acres on the lake.
* Dave Koenig answered questions on treatment and possible other options such as harvesting.
* Question was asked re treatment and effects on swimming & fishing.
5)      Introduction and Election of Directors – Mike Bury & Candidates
Candidates introduced themselves and gave a little background on themselves and their reasons for running for Director. The public who hadn’t voted were then allowed to do so. Five candidates were on the ballot for 5 positions. The two highest vote getters were to be elected for a three year term, the next two highest vote getters would be elected for a two year term, and the fifth highest for a one –year term. There was a tie for the second highest vote total, and a coin flip decided the term.
Directors were elected as follows:
3 year term:     Mike Bury – 47 votes
Al Beck – 46 votes
2 year term:     Dave Koenig – 46 votes
Ron Croteau – 45 votes
1 year term:     Tim Donnay – 41 votes
6)      Budget Review & Vote – (Mike Bury)
Projects over $5k
Budget in total
Fee Assessment
The budget was the next thing on the agenda to be voted on. Mike Bury led the discussion on the budget, tying it to the lake treatment budget presented by Dave Koenig. A listing of the projected expenses was presented. The budget calls for potential expenses broken out, totaling $145,000. Because of the funding available from assessments the budget requires some administrative expenses from 2008, and for early 2010 to be included. The agenda called for 3 separate votes on the budget, to be done via a count of raised hands. Results were as follows:
* Projects over $5k – projects and expenses over $5,000 were listed for approval.
Approved by a vote of 48 in favor – 0 opposed
* Total Budget of $145,000 was approved. This will call for additional fund generation other than assessments to be achieved. Approved by a vote of 48 in favor – 0 opposed
* Fee Assessment. The budget vote calls for the maximum fee assessment of $300 per property for 445 lake properties identified on the lake. A listing of the eligible properties was available for review. Approved by a vote of 48 in favor – 0 opposed
The Annual Meeting agenda having been completed, a motion was made to adjourn the Annual Meeting, and conduct the Regular Board meeting immediately after, with all participants invited to attend.       Motion seconded and approved.
The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM
Regular Board Meeting Minutes follow:       
Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes—July 23, 2008
Call to order: 8:20
Board Members Present:                   
Mike Bury                  
Al Beck
Dave Koenig
Ron Croteau
Tim Donnay
Offices are not listed above, as the directors will decide what offices will be occupied by the directors as part of new business.
We want to give a big WELCOME to AL BECK who is the newly elected Director. Al has done considerable work with CLIA and is currently their Treasurer, and brings significant experience and dedication to Lake issues to the CLID.
A significant expression of gratitude must go to MIKE GAYNOR, whom is the outgoing Director replaced by Al Beck. Mike has done significant work on behalf of the CLID and for CLIA before that, and deserves a big THANK YOU. Mike has indicated he still intends to be a volunteer assisting on communications, and that is greatly appreciated.    
Significant visitors: Larry Dalien – Anoka County Land Commissioner
1)      Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the July 9th Board meeting were circulated and approved.
2)      Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Tim Donnay. A new format was given showing receipt of funds to date ($2,400) and expenses incurred ($1,538). The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
3)      Review Old Business
a)      County Financial Contract
We are still awaiting the final revisions to the contract to sign. The latest hurdle was a signatory for the checks. It was discussed, and approved that the Treasures (as yet undetermined – to be handled in new business) would be the only required signature on the checks. A Board resolution was typed up by Mike Bury, and approved and signed by all the board members, including Al Beck, the newest director, and the Treasurer. This was given to Larry Dalien, who delivered it to Lee Krueger at the County Finance officer with the signature of the new Treasurer.
4)      Committee Updates:
a)      Set-Up / Admin Committee – Ron Croteau / Muriel Maskalans / Barb Bouljon / Penny Balfany
1)      Most of the work since the last Bard Meeting consisted of
a.       Drafting up a voter registration log
b.      Creating ballots for the election
c.       Completing the listing of the 445 properties to be assessed fees
d.      Handling absentee ballot process
e.       Finding volunteers and conduction the election of directors
b)      Communication – Mike Gaynor / Rick Jestus
The communication committee was responsible to get the facility for the annual meeting and worked on set-up prior to the meeting.
It was discussed that we needed to communicate the results of the meeting. It was discussed that we needed to complete a summary of the meeting for the website, and do an e-mail notification, and would not conduct a mailing. This committee was to draft an article for publication in a local newspaper. Mike Gaynor was to draft up a thank you letter to Our Saviors for the use of the facility.
c)      Research committee -   Tim Donnay / Greg Buschman / Jim Schneider / Rich Kuhlman / Doug Tierney
1)      Nothing to present. It was stressed that there was still a need for the accumulation of information on treatments by other CLIDS, and this committee needed to get re-focused.
d)     Lake Vegetation Committee – Dave Koenig / Leon Magers / Steve Olson / Doug Tierney
1)      Much of the information o the Lake Vegetation situation was discussed during the presentation at the annual meeting. It was stressed that this committee needed information. There is a Lake Water Quality committee which is a joint effort with CLIA & CLID volunteers, and this should be pursued to eliminate duplication of effort, and get more organized around the multi facets this topic includes.
3)      It was discussed that with the budget approved, that when the Lake Survey is complete, we need to push immediately on the DNR to complete a Lake Vegetation Plan.
4)      When the survey results are available, it was discussed that someone on the Lake Plan committee put these into the box.net database.
e)      Funding / Finance Committee – Mike Bury
1)      Mike Bury is still in need of volunteers for this committee, as well as ideas regarding groups to contact re funds raising opportunities. As highlighted in the budget presentation, there is a shortfall of $13,900 in funding to get the $145k identified as potential expenses.
2)      Mike announced it is his intention to write a letter from the CLID to local cities and public entities to request they include some funding for the CLID as they prepare their annual budgets.
5)      New Business / Discussion
a)      Election of officers. The newly elected directors, per by-laws, would elect officers at the first official board meeting following election of directors.
b)      Dave Koenig volunteered to be 2nd Vice Chairman. Ron Croteau volunteered to be Treasurer, and Al Beck volunteered to be 1st Vice Chairman. Mike Bury was nominated to be Chairman, and that was approved. Tim Donnay, being a one year term was nominated for Secretary. It was discussed that the Secretary position was one that Tim felt he needed help with, and that help was offered by Al Beck and Ron Croteau. It was discussed that perhaps we needed to look for a recording secretary, and we would look to see if a volunteer was available to do so. 
c)      The above slate of candidates was seconded and approved. The following is a recap of the terms and offices for the newly elected directors:
Mike Bury                  Chairman – 3 year term
Al Beck                      1st Vice Chair – 3 year term
Dave Koenig               2nd Vice Chair – 2 year term
Ron Croteau                Treasurer – 2 year term
Tim Donnay                Secretary – 1 year term          
d)     Proposed Budget : 
Larry Dalien confirmed we needed to get our budget to the County by the end of August. Maureen Devine of the County Property Tax Division would be the person responsible at the County, along with Larry. Ron Croteau volunteered to take on this responsibility.
e)      It was discussed that we should send the election results to Rachel      Smith at the County, along with contact numbers. We will do so along with these approved minutes.
f)       Future Meetings. Our public notices still call for Board meetings on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month. It was agreed that we would continue to do so, and discuss at the next Board meeting if we need to continue this schedule or revise it.
Meeting adjourned (time approx 9:15 PM)
We want to thank all those who attended the meeting, and a give a particular thank you and our appreciation to those who have volunteered to help.
NOTE --- The CLID’s Next Meeting will be August 13th at the CLCSC at 7:00 PM.