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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID August 13 2008
CLID August 13 2008
Sep 2, 2008 --

MINUTES – Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting

August 13, 2008

Call to order: 7:10 by Chairman Mike Bury.

Board Members present: Mike Bury, Al Beck, Tim Donnay, Ron Croteau

Board Members absent: Dave Koenig

Guests Present : Three

Open Forum Comments – No public comment

Board Meeting Minutes – Ron Croteau, Interim Secretary

A correction to the meeting minutes from the July 23rd Board Meeting to add Tim Donnay to the list of Attendees present. A motion was made by Mike Bury to accept the minutes as corrected. Motion was seconded by Al Beck and no discussion. All members voted aye, the motion passed.

The meeting minutes as corrected will be sent to the webmaster for posting on the CLID website for public record.

Treasurer’s Report – Ron Croteau Treasurer

Balance on Hand is still $0. Expenses are $1,532.00.

A motion was made by Tim Donnay to accept the treasurers report as presented. Seconded by Al Beck. Discussion regarding one of the expenses was to change the amount for the ARC paid for by Mike Bury to $35.88 from the stated $33.88 in the report of expenses. This serves as a friendly amendment. All members voted aye, the motion passed.

New Business

A motion was made by Al Beck to have the Secretary keep all records from now on for the CLID board. The motion was seconded by Ron Croteau. All members voted aye, the motion passed.

Additional expenses were submitted by Mike Gaynor for reimbursement. They were $26.00 for the P.O. Box and $16.80 for the stamps for the last mailing. A motion was made by Mike Bury to pay these expenses when the account is open, the motion was seconded by Tim Donnay. All members voted aye, the motion passed.

Old Business – there was none


Committee Reports:

1. Set Up/Organization/Administration – Ron Croteau

No Report

2. Finance/Fundraising – Mike Bury

Mike is seeking a donation from the Senior Center. There was additional discussion about the Senior Center annual meeting and their monetary participation in the future.

3. Communication/Publication – Mike Gaynor

Mike Bury is forwarding the annual meeting and election results to Peter Bodley at the Anoka County Union for publication in the paper.

Research – Tim Donnay

Mike Bury presented for Dave Koenig; Dave is requesting that a new survey be done for his lake plans. Tim is working with the committee to see if someone has the capacity to take this on.

5. Lake Plan – Dave Koenig

No Report.

Announcements – DNR Neil Vanderbosch is preparing the Lake Vegetation Plan – due in October/November.

A motion to adjourn was made by Al Beck, seconded by Ron Croteau. All members voted aye, the motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Tim Donnay

CLID Secretary