2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes >
CLID August 27 2008
CLID August 27 2008
Sep 13, 2008 -- MINUTES – Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting
August 27, 2008
Call to order: 7:11 by Chairman Mike Bury.
Board Members present: Mike Bury, Ron Croteau, and Dave Koenig
Board Members absent: Tim Donnay, Al Beck
Guests Present: (2) Leon Mager, Rick Jestus
Open Forum Comments – No public comment
Board Meeting Minutes – Prepared by Ron Croteau
A correction to the meeting minutes from the August 13th Board Meeting –
Point # 5 the name is “Neil Vanderbosch”
Point #3 the name should be Mike Gaynor, not Mike Bury
A motion was made by Dave Koenig to accept the minutes as corrected. Mike Bury and no discussion seconded motion. All members voted aye, the motion passed.
The meeting minutes as corrected will be sent to the Webmaster for posting on the CLID website for public record.
Treasurer’s Report – Ron Croteau Treasurer
Balance on Hand is still $0. Expenses are $1,532.00. Deposits ready are $2,400.00
A motion was made by Mike Bury to accept the treasurer’s report as presented, and seconded by Dave Koenig. Ron Croteau agreed to check whether fees due the County and the insurance company would be less due to the delay in initiation.
New Business - None
Old Business – There were additional forms required for the bank account to be set up that were signed by Mike Bury & Ron Croteau. All checks and coded expense vouchers have been given to the County awaiting the account details to be finalized. According to Lee Krueger, it should be ready within ten days approximately as the check stock is being printed.
Committee Reports:
1. Set Up/Organization/Administration – Ron Croteau
The Set-up /Organization/Administration committee will be re-named to the Administration Committee due to the fact that most of the set-up and organizational work has been completed.
2. Finance/Fundraising – Mike Bury
Mike Bury sent a letter out to the cities of East Bethel, Columbus, and Ham Lake giving them background on the Lake District and current status, and requested the cities donate approximately $15,000 to the CLID based on $10 per acre of lake with each cities boundary. The request called for 58% - $8,700 from East Bethel, 28% - $4,200, and 14% - $2,100 from Columbus. Mike will follow-up with a personal phone call.
A recommendation was made that we send the same letter with slight modifications to Anoka County, asking them to match what is being requested from the Cities.
The letter will also be revised and sent to the Coon Lake Community Senior Center asking that each dock placed in the lake in 2009 be charged 10% of an annual assessment ($30) to be added to the annual fees for dock usage. The last Sr Center board discussion tabled discussion of fees for docks until their September meeting. Rick Jestus agreed to be available to discuss this on CLID’s behalf at their meeting.
3. Communication/Publication – Mike Gaynor - Chair
Not present – no discussion
Research – Tim Donnay, Chair
Neither Tim Donnay, nor any other members of the Research Committee were present to discuss any activities, nor was there any communication. Greg Buschman was anticipated to be present, but apparently his plans had changed. Dave agreed to follow-up on this. Ron agreed to talk to Bob Shockman and/or Wendy Crowell to get a list of the lakes in the whole Lake treatment program for the research group to follow-up on once they got organized. Mike Bury agreed to provide the contact information for Dick Osgood of Minnetonka for follow-up as well.
5. Lake Plan – Dave Koenig, Chair
Leon Mager gave a thorough discussion on the mapping of coordinates on the survey, and software programs that are available for plotting this data by GPS coordinates.
Discussion was also done on spotter team activities. Mike Gaynor will be in charge of a spotter team as well.
Discussion was held regarding conducting a fall survey to get later results on the lake status. With the GPS coordinates, we should be able to measure problem areas identified in the second CLIA financed survey. The second survey was supposed to be completed on August 25th.
Discussion was held on predictive analysis in use for weed growth. It was discussed that we ask the DNR to include this analysis in the Lake Plan.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dave Koenig, seconded by Ron Croteau. All members voted aye, the motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Ron Croteau, Treasurer, filling in for Tim Donnay, CLID Secretary