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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID Sept 10 2008
CLID Sept 10 2008
Oct 2, 2008 --

Coon Lake Improvement District

Board Meeting

September 10, 2008

Meeting Minutes

Call To Order

Meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m.

Board Member Present Mike Bury, Dave Koenig, Al Beck

Guest present, Doug Tierney, Rick Jestus

Open Forum for Public Comments

No public comments

Approval of August 27, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes

Dave K. moved and Al B. seconded the motion to accept the minutes as printed. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Dave K. moved and Al B. seconded the motion to accept the minutes as printed. Motion passed.

Old Business


Committee Reports - (Chair)



No report



       Finance / Fundraising

Mike Bury gave a status report that no action had been taken on the financial request for any of the cities, Coon lake Beach or the county.



       Communication / Publication

No report



Dave Koenig gave a brief report on what has or has not been collected


       Lake Plan

Dave Koenig gave a brief report. Discussion on the Lake map point from the DNR

Dave reported that Leon Mager is working on the data.



New Business

Motion - Dave K. moved and Al B. seconded the motion to have one board meeting per month beginning in October and the date would be the second Wednesday of the month. Motion passed.



Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Future Meeting Dates Starting in October