2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes >
CLID March 11 2009
CLID March 11 2009
Meeting Minutes -- Apr 8, 2009 -- MINUTES – Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting
March 11, 2009
Call to order: 7:05 by Chairman Mike Bury
Board Members present: Mike Bury, Al Beck, Tim Donnay, Dave Koenig, Ron Croteau
Board Members absent: None
Guests Present: Rick Jestus, Mike Gaynor, and Steven Olson
Open Forum for Public Comments
No Public Comment
Board Meeting Minutes – Tim Donnay, Secretary
A motion was made by Dave Koenig and seconded by Al Beck to accept the minutes from the February board meeting. All members voted aye to approve the meeting minutes as sent out via. E-mail, the motion passed.
The minutes will be sent to the web master for posting on the CLID website.
Treasurer’s Report – Ron Croteau Treasurer
No change to the Treasurers’ Report from December. .
Balance on Hand as of 03/11/2009: $2,556.89. A motion was made by Dave Koenig and Seconded by Al Beck, to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. All members voted aye, the motion passed. A copy of the Treasurers report is submitted with these minutes.
Outstanding bills:
$240 per year for the Website, Due April 1, 2009
Old Business – there was none
New Business –
Committee Reports:
1. Administration - County to send Ron account information at the end of the month. Donna St. Clair new county account liaison. Ron suggesting county to advance CLID funds for early treatment. Ron will talk with wetlands review committee.
2. Finance/Fundraising – Mike Bury to contact county about treating their area near county access.
3. Communication/Publication – Dave Koenig submitted a letter to Mike Gaynor for publication in the CLIA News letter.
4. Research – No report.
5. Lake Plan – Dave Koenig reviewed treatment priority worksheet and map, defining 12 areas of initial treatment. Steve Olson (CLIA) to meet with Brittney Hummel (DNR) to meet with lake vegetation plan committee on treatment plan. .
Miscellaneous A motion to adjourn was made was made at 9:05. All members voted aye, the motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim Donnay
CLID Secretary
Next board meeting will be on April 8, 2009