2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes >
CLID April 8 2009
CLID April 8 2009
May 28, 2009 --
MINUTES – Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting
April 8, 2009
Call to order: 7:10 by Chairman Mike Bury
Board Members present: Mike Bury, Al Beck, Tim Donnay, Dave Koenig, Ron Croteau
Board Members absent: None
Guests Present: Rick Jestus, Mike Gaynor, and Steve Olson
Open Forum for Public Comments
No Public Comment
Board Meeting Minutes – Tim Donnay, Secretary
A motion was made by Al Beck and seconded by Dave Koenig to accept the minutes from the March board meeting. All members voted aye to approve the meeting minutes as sent out via. E-mail, the motion passed.
The minutes will be sent to the Webmaster for posting on the CLID website.
Treasurer’s Report – Ron Croteau Treasurer
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Balance on Hand as of 4/8/2009: $2,556.89. A motion was made by Dave Koenig and Seconded by Tim Donnay to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. All members voted aye, the motion passed. A copy of the Treasurers report is submitted with these minutes.
Outstanding bills:
$215.99 per year for the Website, Due April 1, 2009. This was submitted by the Webmaster in 2009.
Old Business – there was none
New Business –
Committee Reports:
1. Administration -
Discussion of Taxable Properties in Question: DeAnne Johnson from Flanders Property Owners Association. She was here to request an exemption on property number PIN #34-33-23-44-0015. Motion by Mike Bury to reimburse Flanders Property Owners Association or the member who paid the $300.00 fee for 2009 and to exempt said PIN from all future assessments. The motion was seconded by Al Beck. All members votes aye, the motion passed.
Discuss Preparation for 2009 Annual Meeting and Election: Mike will send out the e-mail about the upcoming elections. Dave suggested seek new volunteers for elections and candidates Steve also mentioned CLIA as having difficulties in recruiting volunteers to run for office.
2. Finance/Fundraising –
Report on results of phone conversation with Anoka County Parks: Per Mike Bury, Anoka County is only planning to treat 100’ out from their beach. Mike will request funds again from three cities on the lake to assist in the treatment
3. Communication/Publication – Dave Koenig submitted a letter to Mike Gaynor for publication in the CLIA News letter.
Mike will have a letter go out before beginning of June. Mike thanks for do the data entry By Rick Justus
4. Research – No report.
5. Lake Plan – Dave Koenig reported their committee is recommending spotter teams to reassess milfoil areas and target only those areas, 230 acres. Mike to request RFQ to treat from vendors (at least 50+ acres).
Al Beck made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Dave Koenig. All members voted Aye, motion passed. A motion to adjourn was made was made at 9:05. All members voted aye, the motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim Donnay
CLID Secretary
Next board meeting will be on May 13, 2009