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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID May 13 2009
CLID May 13 2009
May 28, 2009 --


MINUTES – Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting
May 13, 2009
Call to order: 7:05 by Chairman Mike Bury 
Board Members present: Mike Bury, Al Beck, Tim Donnay, Dave Koenig, Ron Croteau
Board Members absent: None
Guests Present: Keith Vondelinde, Joshua Sturman, 
Open Forum for Public Comments
Public Comment – Mr. Sturman is working on a database project with the University of Minnesota to deal with community relationships with the residents of Coon Lake Beach on lake projects.
Board Meeting Minutes – Tim Donnay, Secretary
A motion was made by Dave Koenig and seconded by Al Beck to accept the minutes from the April    board meeting. All members voted aye to approve the meeting minutes as sent out via. E-mail, the motion passed.  
The minutes will be sent to the web master for posting on the CLID website.
Treasurer’s Report – Ron Croteau Treasurer
. .
Balance on Hand as of 5/13/2009: $2,342.72. A motion was made by Al Beck and Seconded by Tim Donnay to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. All members voted aye, the motion passed.   A copy of the Treasurers report is submitted with these minutes.
Outstanding bills as of 05/13/2009 - None
Old Business – there was none
New Business – there was none
Committee Reports: 
1. Administration - Ron Croteau is working on properties around the lake; updating ownership changes.   Ron is also working with the county to gain access to property information on line; there is a possible charge for this information.    Ron and Mike Bury are recruiting last year’s volunteers to assist with the upcoming elections for the 2009-2010 Board year.    Mike is still seeking a recording secretary position for the CLID.   A motion was made for Mike Bury to pay a fee of $25 per meeting for this work; the motion was seconded by Al Beck. After discussion the motion was tabled by Mike Bury to allow more information to be gathered regarding this position. 
2. Finance/Fundraising – Mike Bury is working with other government bodies to gain additional financial funding for the CLID based on the higher property values of the home owners around the like. This would include city and county government units.   
3. Communication/Publication –Mike Bury reported that the CLIA membership has dropped this year from 240 memberships down to 190 in 2009. 
4. Research – No report.



5.  Lake Plan – Mike Bury has received three responses to the Request for Proposal from Chemical Application Vendors.   Lake Management did not offer a quote; Professional Lake Management offered a very detailed and extensive quotation with a guarantee; Lake Restorations sent a proposal but had a problem with the performance clause. 


After discussion of the proposals, Dave Koenig has requested spotter teams to do a new survey.  Dave also recommended having the lake management team review the plans and create a new proposal for week application. 


Ron Croteau made a motion to change meetings to the second and fourth Wednesday to cover all necessary material that needs to be discussed.   The second meeting of the month will be added for the board to complete the larger work load.  Dave Koenig seconded the motion and all members voted aye, the motion carried.




Al Beck made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Dave Koenig.  All members voted Aye, motion passed.  A motion to adjourn was made was made at 8:45.    All members voted aye, the motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,


Tim Donnay

CLID Secretary


Future Meeting Dates


 Additional meeting May 27, 2009

Regular CLID   June 10, 2009

Additional meeting June 24, 2009

Regular CLID    July 8, 2009

Annual Meeting/Elections July 22, 2009