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Coon Lake Improvement District
2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes > CLID June 10 2009
CLID June 10 2009
Jun 27, 2009 --

Minutes- Coon Lake Improvement District

Board Meeting

June 10, 2009


Call To Order:  7:05 PM by Chairman Mike Bury


Board Members present:  Mike Bury, Al Beck, Dave Koenig, Ron Croteau

Board Members absent: Tim Donnay


Visitors: None


Open Forum for Public Comments: NONE


Approval of May 27, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes:  Motion made and seconded to approve minutes.  Motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s report submitted. Current balance is $2,342.93. Activity since last meeting – posting of Interest of $0.21. Motion made and seconded to approve Treasurer’s Report.  Motion passed.


Old Business

Letters to property owners notifying of Annual meeting on July 22nd were mailed since last meeting. Discussion held on candidates for Board. Filing period is June 10th thru June 24th. No candidates have yet expressed an interest. Discussion of possible candidates was held.


Committee Reports


      1.       Administration

                        As stated above – letter mailed to property owners. Ron Croteau made a request to the board to be reimbursed a total of $274.89 for postage, envelopes, and mailing labels for annual meeting letter.

Motion made and seconded to approve reimbursement. Motion passed. Discussion was held on County report of $47k of tax activity for CLID in May – no funds were deposited however – Ron Croteau to follow-up.


2.       Lake Plan

                  Discussion held on treatment proposals and areas of treatment. Mike Bury has submitted a grant request for approximately 35.4 acres on three polygons. Total treatment area includes 72.5 acres, including the area near the County Park. Treatment providers were discussed, and it was determined that Professional Lake Management (PLM) was the only bidder that met all the requirements of the bid, including guarantee clause. The cost would be $364 per acre with Renovate (sp). 

                  A motion was made and seconded to approve PLM for the initial treatment of the 72.5 acres. Motion passed. Subsequent treatments are still being reviewed based on spotter team reports, and both PLM & Lake Restoration will be considered based on areas to be treated, and first treatment results.


      3.       Finance / Fundraising:  No Report


      4.       Communication / Publications:  No Report


New Business

No items were addressed


Other:  Subsequent to the June 10th meeting, Mike Bury advised that as part of the treatment approval, the DNR required a $750 payment for permit fees to process our request, which Mike had inadvertently forgotten to include in the June 10th meeting.  Ron Croteau agreed to fund the $750 and Mike Bury sent out an electronic motion to approve reimbursement of this $750 to Ron, and to add this to the June 10th meeting minutes. The motion was seconded, and passed electronically via e-mail.


Adjourn:  Meeting adjourn at 8:00 PM


Respectfully submitted,

Ron Croteau


Future Meeting Dates


1.       Board- 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month - June 24th, July 8th

Annual Meeting July 22nd