2008 - 2009 Meeting Minutes >
CLID November 11 2009
CLID November 11 2009
Dec 13, 2009 -- Coon Lake Improvement District (CLID)
Board Meeting
November 11, 2009
Final Amended Copy
Call to Order
Chair Mike Bury called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.
Members present:
ü Chair Mike Bury
ü First vice Chair Al Beck
ü Second vice Chair Dave Koenig
ü Treasurer Ron Croteau
ü Secretary Keith VonDeLinde
Guests Patrick Selter PLM
Rick Jestus
Steve Olson
Mike Gaynor
Leon Mager
LVMP Discussion and Revision
Patrick Selter explained the process of permitting and the need for a lake plan. The board reviewed a draft “Lake Vegetation Management Plan”(LVMP). A lake plan will help Coon Lake qualify for grants from various entities. Mike Bury will make changes to the LVMP and send it to the board for review.
Open Forum for Public Comments
Approval of October 14, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Dave Koenig, seconded by Al Beck to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
a) Ron Croteau presented the treasurer’s report and stated that we have $52,948.69 in the account.
b) Mailed a fee refund to the Flanders property owners.
c) Ron also reported that on December 5, 2009 the second half of the property tax will be received.
A motion was made by Al Beck, seconded by Dave Koenig to approve the Treasurer report as submitted. Motion Passed.
Old Business
Committee Reports
1) Administration
a) Pins that are on the lake but were not taxed originally when the district was formed were submitted to the county. Changes need to be submitted need to be made by July 1st each year. Ron Croteau sent a request to the county attorney to clarify how to approach this situation.
b) A bill for mandatory insurance for the district was received that reflected a rate increase. Ron Croteau is checking on the reason for the increase.
2) Lake Vegetation Plan
a) Keith VonDeLinde has made a request to PLM for the data points that were treated for Eurasian water milfoil in 2009.
b) A review of 2008 and 2009 survey data will be used to determine the acres to be treated in 2010.
3) Finance / Fundraising
a) Mike Bury is looking into the possibility of charging a launch fee at the county park with the county administrator/board.
b) Mike Bury is in the process of applying for various grants.
4) Communication / Publications
New Business
A motion was made to by Al Beck, seconded by Dave Koenig that the meeting be adjourned at 8:53 PM. Motion passed.
Future Meeting Dates
2nd Wednesday of each month,
December 9th , January 13th, February 10th, March 10th, April 14th, May 12th, June 9th , July 14th
3rd Annual Meeting July 28th (Fourth Wed of the month)
Meeting minutes submitted by Keith VonDeLinde