2011 Meeting Minutes >
CLID Board Meeting Minutes -January
CLID Board Meeting Minutes -January
Jan 12, 2011 -- Coon Lake Improvement District (CLID)
Board Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2011
Call to Order
Chair Mike Bury called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present: Chair Mike Bury First vice Chair Al Beck Second vice Chair Arlan Mercil Treasurer Lowell Efterfield Secretary Keith VonDeLinde
Committee Members: Ron Croteau
Leon Mager
Open Forum for Public Comments
Approval of December8, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Al Beck to approve the December 8, 2010 meeting notes as amended, seconded by Lowell Efterfield. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Lowell Efterfield presented the treasurer’s report for December 2010 and stated that we have $229,062.68 in the account.
Pending expenses of $1,761.00 insurance premium and GIS maps of $93.95.
Discussed changes to the second page of the treasures report. Mike will post the report to the web site this month.
A motion was made by Keith VonDeLinde, seconded by Al Beck to approve the December 2010 treasurer’s report as amended. Motion Passed.
Old Business
Mike Bury will get together with Al Beck to Post treatment maps for 2010 on the CLID website..
Mike checked on water quality samplings that we are responsible for obtaining. He has checked with two venders and asked for pricing.
Ron had done some preliminary research on auditing and the earliest we will have to do an audit is 2012.
Committee Reports
CLID assessments have been charged for the last 2 years for a property that is unbuildable and that has no address. Discussion took place about what should be done. Mike Bury made a motion to exempt this property from assessment, there was no second. Motion failed. After more discussion the board decided that we would send the property owner a letter outlining our exemption policy.
Lake Vegetation Plan
The aerator has not been turned on as yet because the state DNR has not checked the oxygen levels in the lake.
When Mike Bury sends out RFP’s for lake vegetation treatments he will specify that a newly developed chemical “Renovate Max G”, a granular product that combines two selective herbicides to target EWM, will also be quoted.
Mike is going to send a request for grant in the amount of $30,000.00 to the DNR. We may have to update the LVMP if the grant is executed in order to receive the funds, as it would include more treatment than the 16% total treatment currently allowed.
Leon Mager handed out a document that shows data from 2008 to present of water quality. It will be used as part of the supporting documentation for grant requests.
Finance / Fundraising
Mike Bury tried to contact the person with Bonestroo, Inc. that is in charge of requesting federal grants to look further for financial assistance.
Communication / Publications
Mike Bury talked to Patrick Selter from PLM about the AIS Forum that was planned by MN Waters and we had not heard of any action on the subject. CLIA donated $500.00 toward the project as Patrick was to be working with Mn Waters to bring a focus group to work at bringing attention to the lack of cooperation with the MN DNR pertaining to treatments, scheduling, etc. There is an organization called Minnesota Seasonal Recreational Property Owners, www.mspro.orgthat will be hosting the Tri County Aquatics Species Legislative Summit on Saturday that is interested in taking action toward dealing with the DNR and their policy for lake treatments. He also said that the meeting that was to be held by Minnesota Watersmight not occur.
New Business
A motion was made by Lowell Efterfield, seconded by Al Beck that the meeting be adjourned at 8:10 PM. Motion passed.
Future Meeting Dates
2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm
Meeting minutes submitted by Keith VonDeLinde