2011 Meeting Minutes >
CLID Board Meeting Minutes - March
CLID Board Meeting Minutes - March
Mar 9, 2011 -- Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting
March 9, 2011
Call To Order
Meeting was called to order by Mike Bury at 7:10 PM
Members present: Chair Mike Bury First vice Chair Al Beck Second vice Chair Arlan Mercil Treasurer Lowell Efterfield Secretary Keith VonDeLinde
Committee Members: Ron Croteau
Leon Mager
Open Forum for Public Comments
Steve Olson Talked about the Storm water runoff project that the Sunrise Watershed has slated for 2012. CLIA may vote to fund the project right away. The cost of the project would be $4800.
Approval of January 12 , 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Tabled until next meeting, No action was taken at the February Meeting - did not have a quorum
Treasurer’s Report
Ron Croteau and Lowell Efterfield presented the treasurer’s report for February & March 2011 combined, and stated that we have $228,675.20 in the account. Treasurer's report Approved Request from Mike Bury for reimbursement of $28.00 for to cover the PO box rental for the next year. Motion passed. Request from Anoka County to pay for the Special Assessment fee of $549.00 for property tax department to handle the 2011 CLID assessment. Motion made to pay assessment. - Passed
Old Business
RFP was sent out for bids on weed control for EWM and CLP. Mike Bury will send in the permit request for CLP.
Committee Reports
No Committee Reports
New Business
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM
Minutes submitted by Al Beck