2011 Meeting Minutes >
CLID Board Meeting Minutes - April
CLID Board Meeting Minutes - April
Apr 13, 2011 -- Coon Lake Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2011
Chair Mike Bury called the meeting to order @ 7:07 pm
Open Forum for Public Comments - None
The March 9, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes were approved after a motion by Lowell Efterfield and seconded by Arlan Mercil, motion passed. Approval of the revised January minutes was tabled until the May meeting. Mike Bury will submit revisions to the secretary for resubmission. All minutes will be posted to the website in chronological order.
Lowell Efterfield presented treasurer’s Report. Al Beck motioned and Arlan Mercil seconded. Motion passed.
Old Business
A discussion was held regarding the required LVMP stated water quality monitoring in odd number years. Mike Bury had received two estimates for lab work of samples taken by Coon Lake volunteers and another for Anoka Conservation District to gather and submit samples for testing. It was accepted for reasons of consistency and practicality to request that ACD gather the samples in 2011, although the district would incur an additional $190 cost over that of volunteers taking the samples. Mike Bury motioned and Al Beck seconded, motion passed.
Committee Reports
Administration - The approval notice and 2011 PPP Grant agreement was brought to the Board by Chairman Bury and he will follow through with the duties described therein. A discussion of RFP costs and benefits was held with the decision to award the CLP treatment contract to Lake Restoration Inc. (LRI) using Aquathol K, pending approval of bid estimates for acreage cost approval of less than 100 acres, not submitted. Al Beck motioned and Lowell Efterfield seconded, motion passed. The EWM treatment contract will be to Professional Lakes and Land Management Inc. (PLM), using Renovate Max G for non-grant reimbursed areas and Renovate OTF for any grant reimbursed areas. Mike Bury motioned and Al Beck seconded, motion passed.
Lake Plan - Mike Bury has submitted the APM control permit and the MN DNR will be delineating the east lake as required by the Pilot Project Program (PPP) with a Coon Lake observer. Jason Hohenstein is preparing the GPS units with polygon data supplied by Dave Koenig for the Spotter teams to delineate the west lake. After the CLP delineation is complete, the EWM delineation will follow and a separate APM permit will be submitted and possibly to include nuisance EWM areas for grant reimbursement.Request for signatures have been sent out by CLIA via US Mail. Mike Bury will send out an email to ask for CLIA volunteers to canvas neighborhoods for any more that may be needed after the DNR approval of the treatment areas.
Finance / Fundraising – The MN DNR has added $1500 to the grant reimbursement due to offset the fee of a pending NPDES permit requirementand fee. Coon Lake will receive up to $16,500 for CLP treatment of the east lake in 2011.
Communication / Publications – Mike Bury will prepare an article for CLIA’s Coon Lake Living newsletter and a draft of the letter announcing the Annual Meeting with the required subjects.
New Business – Rick Jestus presented the annual bill of $215 for the CLID website to be reimbursed. Al Beck motioned and Lowell Efterfield seconded, motion passed.
Discussion of a By-Law rule revision to allow a committee member to be designated to vote in the absence oftherequired number of Directors present was tabled until May.
Adjournment- motioned by Al Beck and seconded by Arlan Mercil, approved at 8:40 pm
Future Meeting Dates
Board- 2nd Wednesday of each month
May 11th, June 8th, July 13th
4th Annual Meeting July 27, 2011
Respectfully submitted by Mike Bury