2011 Meeting Minutes >
CLID Board Meeting Minutes - June
CLID Board Meeting Minutes - June
Jun 8, 2011 -- Coon Lake Improvement District (CLID)
Board Meeting
June 8, 2011
Call to Order
Chair Mike Bury called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present:
- Chair Mike Bury
- First vice Chair Al Beck
- Second vice Chair Arlan Mercil
- Treasurer Lowell Efterfield
- Secretary Keith VonDeLinde
Committee Members:
- Ron Croteau
- Leon Mager
Guests: Gerri Torgeson, Doug Tierney
Open Forum for Public Comments
Gerri Torgeson a lake property owner joined the meeting to learn more about the treatment of invasive lake vegetation.
Approval of May 11, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Al Beck to approve the meeting minutes from May 11, 2011 as amended Keith VonDeLinde
seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
a) Lowell Efterfield presented the treasurer’s report and stated that we have $226,611.09 in the account.
b) Mike Bury received an invoice from Lake Restoration for the amount of $12,008.30 and presented a request for
reimbursement for the mailing of the annual meeting notice in the amount $267.81.
A motion was made by Al Beck, seconded by Keith VonDeLinde to approve the Treasurer report as submitted. Motion
A motion was made by Al Beck, seconded by Lowell Efterfield to pay the invoice of $12,008.30 and to reimburse Mike
Bury for the amount of $267.81. Motion passed.
Old Business
Mike Bury thanked the spotter team for the great job they did this spring delineating for CLP and EWM.
Committee Reports
1) Administration
Mike Bury asked Al Beck how the annual meeting presentation was progressing. Al stated the he is just waiting for a
little more information to come in and he will be ready to present it to the group at the next meeting. A discussion took
place about the use of a projector to show the presentation. In the past CLID has borrowed a projector from one of the
CLIA members. Mike will find out if CLIA would like to purchase one that both groups can use at meetings.
2) Lake Vegetation Plan
Discussed the report put out by Sean Sisler and Chip Welling for the treatment of EWM. Sean and Chip were back out
on the lake again today to review the areas that the CLID has delineated for treatment. Mike will wait for the report to
come in to verify the number of treatment areas the State will allow. Mike Bury, Al Beck, and Leon Mager will meet
this Tuesday to review their findings and plan a course of action.
3) Finance / Fundraising
Mike Bury submitted the grant request for the treatment of EWM.
4) Communication / Publications
Ron Croteau inquired about the notice that goes into the two local papers. Mike stated that he would submit them on a
timely basis.
New Business
Al Beck and Mike Bury submitted their letters of intent to run for the two open board positions.
A motion was made to by Al Beck, seconded by Lowell Efterfield that the meeting be adjourned at 8:03PM. Motion
Future Meeting Dates
2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm
Nest meeting July 13th,
4th Annual Meeting July 27, 2011
Meeting minutes submitted by Keith VonDeLinde