2011 Meeting Minutes >
July 2011 Expenditure Report
July 2011 Expenditure Report
Jul 1, 2011 --
SUMMARY | | | | | COON LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT | | | | | | | | Treasurer's Report | | | | | | | | July 11, 2012 | | | | | Prior Month | Current | INCOME | Since Last Report | TOTAL to Date* | TOTAL to Date* | Donations | $-00 | $5,738.34 | $5,738.34 | Interest / Dividend Income ** | $13.97 | $340.22 | $354.19 | Property Tax Assessment Receipts | $-00 | $332,791.36 | $332,791.36 | Grant Income | $-00 | $49,587.30 | $49,587.30 | Permit rembursement | $-00 | $750.00 | $750.00 | Insurance Dividend | $-00 | $934.00 | $934.00 | TOTAL INCOME | $13.97 | $390,141.22 | $390,155.19 | | | | | | | Prior Month | Current | EXPENSE | Since Last Report | TOTAL to Date* | TOTAL to Date* | Printing, Envelopes, & Supplies | $-00 | $(1,492.73) | $(1,492.73) | Public Notice Expenses | $-00 | $(442.95) | $(442.95) | Postage & PO Box Expenses | $-00 | $(786.80) | $(786.80) | Insurance - MCIT | $-00 | $(7,370.68) | $(7,370.68) | Web Expenses | $-00 | $(863.96) | $(863.96) | DNR Permit Fees | $-00 | $(2,285.00) | $(2,285.00) | County - Charges for Assessment - other fees | $-00 | $(1,098.00) | $(1,098.00) | Surveys / Monitoring | $-00 | $(550.00) | $(550.00) | Lake treatment Expenses | $(28,083.10) | $(93,961.25) | $(122,044.35) | Assessment Fee Refund to Members | $-00 | $(900.00) | $(900.00) | TOTAL EXPENSE | $(28,083.10) | $(109,751.37) | $(137,834.47) | | | | | ACTUAL BALANCE | $(28,069.13) | $280,389.85 | $252,320.72 |